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Trusted by over 800,000 developers across 28,000 companies
FusionCharts Suite XT - Start Your 14-Day Free Trial Today
Whether you are building a dashboard for desktop or mobile, with simple or complex data, FusionCharts has you covered
Beautiful charts and maps for your dashboards
Get over 100+ charts, graphs and gauges along with 2000+ choropleth maps and take your dashboard to a whole new level
From IoT to stock market, render thousands of data points in modern browsers, without a glitch for your next-generation dashboards
Powerful time-series and stock charts for you
Allow users to export entire dashboards as PDF, or send a live copy of the dashboard to their emails
Export your entire dashboards, not just charts
Extremely powerful data grid that helps deliver an intuitive, flexible, and enterprise-class data visualization experience.
Powerful Data Grid with Integrated Charting
What do you get with FusionCharts Suite XT?
FusionCharts XT
With 50+ chart types, FusionCharts XT consists of the most commonly used charts like column, line, and pie for your reports and dashboards.
From Gauges and KPIs to funnel and pyramid charts, FusionWidgets XT makes your dashboards and monitors a lot more insightful.
FusionWidgets XT
Plot your crucial business data like revenue by regions with over 2000 data-driven maps that are included in FusionMaps XT.
FusionMaps XT
With the inclusion of heat & treemaps, radar, and statistical charts, PowerCharts XT is a set of advanced charting widgets for domain-specific usage.
PowerCharts XT